The South Texas Paint Horse Club was founded in order to promote the American Paint Horse in the south Texas area. The STPHC offers year-end awards to members that participate in APHA shows approved by STPHC and the opportunity to earn National points thru the American Paint Horse Association (APHA) at the club sponsored shows. STPHC also sponsors one of the largest shows in the nation, called the Margarita Classic, which takes place each year in November.
Becoming a Member
STPHC memberships run on a calendar year basis from January 1- December 31. Each individual, family or ranch must submit a membership application and dues each year to remain a member in good standing. All fees are due January 1. Year End points will not be awarded to anyone prior to the receipt of the application and membership dues each year. Shows attended prior to the receipt of the annual dues will not count toward Year End Awards. THEREFORE, POINTS EARNED AT STPHC APPROVED OR SPONSORED SHOWS BEFORE PAYMENT OF DUES WILL BE LOST.